Botany Study

by Hindi Infoware



Botany Study App collections of Categories are below and provide all this Topic Like,Botany in EnglishBotany in HindiBotany in GujaratiBotany in MarathiBiology has Two Parts Botany & Zoology. Botany deals with Plant Kingdom, whereas Zoology Deals with animal Kingdom Botany is the scientific study of plants. "Plants," to most people, means a wide range of living organisms from the smallest bacteria to the largest living things - the giant sequoia trees. By this definition plants include: algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants.Introduction of BotanyFlowers and SeedsInheritanceClassification and SystematicsMineral NutritionFruitsEnergy MetabolismSeed PlantsTransport in PlantsMitosis and MeiosisVascular Plants without SeedsBotany GK in HindiBotany MCQsBotany PMTBotany General Knowledge